



記念すべき10周年の構想として「未経験のことをやる」をテーマに、レーベル過去最多となる年間作品発表を行いました。すべての作品がレーベル 10周年にふさわしい、熱く・激しく・ちょっぴり愉快な作品ばかりでした。激ヤバマストな作品を発表してくれたわが精鋭達にはあらためて感謝いたします。ありがとう!

さらに、かつてアナログレコードをリリースしていたテクノレーベルとして「アナログ盤のその先は、やっぱりアナログ盤だろう」と、記念アナログピクチャーディスク「CLIMAX MIDNIGHT CARIZMA」を制作できた事は感涙の極みであります。ピクチャーディスクの仕上がりに感動し、ものづくりの楽しさや作品づくりの重みを再認識しまし た。クライマックス=「到達点」としてのこの盤が、質量を伴って世に存在していることをとても有意義に感じています。ただし、一枚あたり225グラムという想像をはるかに超えた盤そのものの質量に、海外からの輸送費が割高となってしまう珍事が発生した事もここでお伝えします。なのでいろいろと重さはほどほどに!


来る2015年はレーベルの新たなる一歩を踏み出す11周年イヤーとなります。「未経験のことをやる」というテーマは継続しつつも、例年と変わらず「パーティーをカラフルに盛り上げるアッパートラック」を世に送り出し皆様を楽しませます。また、機会を伺いアナログ盤制作も積極的に企みます。 2015年も変わらぬご愛顧、宜しくお願い申し上げます。

CARIZMAレーベル主宰  渡邉 智篤 (MOA)


“With special thanks and much appreciation from CARIZMA 10th years”

Dear all,

Thank you for all in 2014!!

CARIZMA released 10 EP and a special anniversary picture vinyl as “CARIZMA 10th anniversary year”.
We really appreciate all CARIZMA freaks support our works and a special anniversary gig.
All of you support CARIZMA and so we can run the label. Thank you, thank you, thank you..
Also we had really great time in a special anniversary gig. We acknowledge so many staff’s cooperation.

We had a plan to do something we have not experienced in this anniversary year and released the most tracks ever.
All tracks are appropriate to this special year and hot, hard and a little funny.
I am grateful to all CARIZMA crew create so cool stuffs. Thank you for my good fellows!

As you know, CARIZMA had released vinyl before. And I thought “Only vinyl can take the place of vinyl.”.
Therefore, releasing a picture vinyl “CLIMAX MIDNIGHT CARIZMA”, it was so special for me.
Once the picture vinyl was completed, I realized the pleasure and the importance of creation.
I believe existing the vinyl is very significant as “CLIMAX”.
But the vinyl weights 225g and the transport cost is more expensive that I thought. It was an unexpected thing!! haha…

Personally, I am moved because my track is recorded on this special anniversary vinyl.
When I received the test press, I was so excited. Of course, it was me to decided the first track of this A side was my track.
Maybe it means that I played my own work. But please let it go this time. Since 2014 is CARIZMA 10th anniversary.

In 2015, it is 11th year for CARIZMA and we take a new step. we keep to do something we have not experienced.
In addition, we have a plan to release so colorful party tunes continuously. Of course, I promise to release attractive vinyl actively.

Thank you for your continuous support in 2015 also.

Manager in CARIZMA : Tomoatsu Watanabe