2004年、大阪で田上マサヒロを中心に結成。2008年、デビューアルバム『Lv515』をCARIZMAよりリリース。それにともない東名阪ツアーを敢行し各地でモッシュ現象を巻き起こすなど、クラブシーンのみならず様々なシーンへのアピールにも成功した。”FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL”へ出演。その後、ツアーやフェスからのフィードバックを詰め込んだアルバム『PANORAMA EYES』をリリース。2010年にはダンスパフォーマンスチーム迷彩が主催するMITTE WORKSの第3弾トラックとして楽曲「Illminare」を提供した。同年伊藤カズヒコが脱退。2011年『CHAMPIONSHIP MIDNIGHT CARIZMA 2』に2曲参加。2012年、ORIONBEATS (RYUKYUDISKO)のアルバムに『ROCK IN CHATAN FES feat NEON』で参加。“ROCK IN JAPAN FES”に参加し大好評を得る。ドラム+ベースを従えたバンドセットから、ひとりで放出するライブセットまで、スタイルはボーダレス。さらに研ぎ澄まされた新感覚のNEONをその目で目撃せよ。

NEON was formed, led by Masahiro Tagami at Osaka in 2004. Mixing together elements of techno and rock music, NEON created “tech rock”- a style that stretches beyond the boundaries of one particular genre into a free form of musical expression. This band manipulate the most minute elements of sound to construct an alternate musical world that is, at times aggressive, and at times mellow. The result is a unique, crowd-pleasing live experience, created in real time, that keeps everyone dancing. They debuted with their 1st album ”Lv515” from Japanese tecno label CARIZMA. At the same time, they do the tour gig at Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, they have succeeded to appeal that thier live style with heated atmosphere. and they played on FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL. Continuously, they released mini album ‘Panorama Eyes’ that feedbacked experiencing from gig at small clubs to big festivals. In 2010, collaborate with dance performance team MEISAI, they released ‘Illminare” toghether from MITTE WORKS. Same year, Kazuhiko Ito make a breakaway from the band. In 2011 they provided 2 tracks to label compilation album ”CHAMPIONSHIP MIDNIGHT CARIZMA 2”. In 2012 collaborated with ORIONBEATS (RYUKYUDISKO) and produced the original track ‘ROCK IN CHATAN FES feat NEON’ that is recorded on his album. Moreover, they act the gig together on “ROCK IN JAPAN FES”. Now, NEON sometimes act the live gig with drums and bass, at other times do single person, so the band’s style is BORDERLESS!!  Take the time absorb the sights and the sounds of this musical experience and see for yourself!